Status of Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

The Kuraray Group strives to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors and disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term.

FY2023 Results

Dialogue with Stockholders and Investors Frequency Status of Activities
Financial results briefing
Held financial results briefings attended by the President and directors and executive officers in charge of business divisions, Accounting and Finance Division, and Corporate Management Planning Office (1st Half/ Year-end).
Held financial results briefings attended by directors and executive officers in charge of business divisions, Accounting and Finance Division, and Corporate Management Planning Office (1Q/ 3Q)
Management breifing
Held manegement briefings attended by the President and directors and executive officers in charge of business divisions, Accounting and Finance Division, and Corporate Management Planning Office (June and December 2023).
Small meeting
Held a small meeting with securities analysts who follow Kuraray. President and director in charge of Accounting and Finance Division and Corporate Management Planning Office attended the meeting.
Securities company conference
The Director in charge of Accounting and Finance Division and Corporate Management Planning Office and Corporate Communication division partticipated in conferences for investors outdide Japan
Individual dialogue with institutional investors' voting right exercisers
The President and the director in charge of Accounting and Finance Division and Corporate Management Planning Office held dialogues with institutional investors' voting right exercisers.
Individual meeting Securities analysts
The Director in charge of Accounting and Finance Division and Corporate Management Planning Office and Corporate Communications Department take the lead in individual dialogues.
Institutional investors in Japan
Institutional investors outside Japan
IR event for individual investors
Held online briefings attended by the President and senior manager of Corporate Communications Department.

Main themes and interests, etc.  
Medieum-term Management Plan ・Progress of business portfolio sophistication
・Progress of innovation creation activities
・Shareholder returns, capital policy
・Measures to improve ROIC and ROE
Environment ・Measures to reduce GHG emissions
・SBT certification
Social ・Engagement survey
・Salary level(wage increase)
Governance ・Summary of the fire incident at U.S. subsidiary and measures to prevent recurrence
・Composition of the Board of Directors
・Roles of the Management Advisory Committee
Others ・Response to PBR below 1x
・Disclosure enhancement

Feedback to management Frequency Details
Report on financial results briefing
Report on the proceedings and Q&As of the financial results briefing session, etc
Report on the status of dialogue with investors
Report on the contents of dialogue with investors, opinions, requests, etc.
Others As necessary Report as needed, such as shareholder composition