Representative Director and President
Hitoshi Kawahara
My name is Hitoshi Kawahara and I was appointed Representative Director and President of Kuraray Co., Ltd. as of January 1 this year. In this position, I intend to commit myself wholeheartedly to working together with employees around the world to realize a company that is valued by all Kuraray Group stakeholders, not least its customers and shareholders
This year, we will develop the Medium-Term Management Plan that will start in FY2022 and end in 2026, the year of Kuraray’s 100th anniversary. As we look to 2026 and beyond, it is crucial that we vigorously tackle the issues of sustainability to grow and prosper together with society and be an “indispensable company” that is loved and needed by the world.
There is an ever-increasing demand for corporations to take more responsibility towards the realization of a sustainable society by adopting measures to tackle climate change and plastic waste and accelerating the transformation to a circular economy. Actions to address climate change have become particularly vigorous, with countries and regions around the world establishing ambitious targets to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in accordance with the Paris Agreement. As a manufacturer engaged in production worldwide, the Kuraray Group intends to chart our course of mid-and-long term actions in line with national and regional regulatory trends, develop solid policies and step up our efforts to tackle these issues.
Since its establishment in 1926, the Kuraray Group has upheld its mission statement, “for people and the planet—to achieve what no one else can“, and has been engaging in businesses that contribute to an improved natural environment and quality of life. We will incorporate this policy in the new Medium-Term Management Plan and will also make our contributions measurable, establish clear goals and put more efforts into addressing issues in a manner that is unique to Kuraray.
The Kuraray Group employs more than 11,000 people globally. For the group to grow sustainably, it is essential that we gather the wisdom of all of our employees and generate new innovations. We will make the utmost effort to maintain a safe and secure workplace where everyone can work with confidence and achieve their full potential. We will always strive to be a corporate entity that is filled with energy and creativity, and play our role in the realization of a sustainable society.
Your continued support and encouragement will be greatly appreciated.