- Sustainability Long-term Vision
- Sustainability Promotion Structure
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan 3P Model
- Setting New Targets for GHG Emission Reduction and Priority Measures
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for Planet
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for Product
- Sustainability Medium-term Plan for People
Sustainability Promotion Structure
In January 2022, the Kuraray Group formed the Sustainability Committee, which took place of the former CSR Committee. Chaired by the President, the Sustainability Committee is tasked with making swift decisions on issues of sustainability at the management level, formulating and implementing response measures in a timely manner, and reinforcing the Kuraray Group’s sustainability promotion. The Sustainability Committee will also report on the range of its activities to the Board of Directors and reflect the Board’s directives in ongoing efforts to promote sustainability.
The Sustainability Committee is composed of six project teams (Sustainability Strategy Proposal, Global Climate / GHG Emission Reduction Project, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Promotion, Sustainability Portfolio Project, Sustainability Procurement Project, and Diversity & Inclusion Project), and Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Project Team as a corporate theme. The Sustainability Committee manages the progress and issues to promote steady implementation. The Sustainability Strategy Proposal Team is composed of cross-organizational and global members who analyze global trends in sustainability and propose necessary strategies for the Kuraray Group. The project teams are not fixed, but it will be flexibly realigned according to the progress of the various measures. This Committee also manages the progress of Plan-Do-Check-Action related to the Responsible Care activities.
The Kuraray Group held four Sustainability Committee meetings in 2023 to report on the progress of each project team's activities and deliberate on measures. Examples of the main activities reported and deliberated are as follows; participation in GX League, consideration of specific measures to promote GHG emission reductions, expansion of climate change scenario analysis, promotion of products that contribute to natural and living environment using the Kuraray Portfolio Sustainability Assessment (PSA) system, results of supplier questionnaire to achieve sustainable procurement, progress of Japanese and overseas measures for Diversity and Inclusion, impact of and response to European sustainability regulation trends, and so on.